My research focuses on the semantics of natural language and its interface with syntax and pragmatics. In my work, I closely combine formal approaches with crosslinguistic and experimental methods of investigation. Some topics I have worked on include polar and wh-questions, negative polarity and negative concord, connectives, and unconditionals.
I am a postdoctoral researcher involved in the LeibnizDream project “Realizing Leibniz’s Dream: Child Languages as a Mirror of the Mind” (PIs: Artemis Alexiadou (HU), Maria Teresa Guasti (UniMiB), and Uli Sauerland (ZAS)). I received my PhD from Harvard University in January 2021, with a dissertation on polar questions and interrogative particles supervised by Gennaro Chierchia.
You can contact me at auroregonzalez ‘at’ alumni.harvard.edu or aurore.gonzalez ‘at’ unimib.it
Recent & upcoming
- The workshop “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Interpreting Bare Arguments: The Workshop” will be held at Nantes Université on May 12-13, 2025. The program can be found here.
- “French constituent unconditionals relativize a free choice item” with Karoliina Lohiniva, to appear in the volume Theory, data, and practice.
- “Long-distance wh-questions in Italian: a view from acquisition” with Chiara Dal Farra, Johannes Hein, Silvia Silleresi, Kazuko Yatsushiro and Uli Sauerland, presented at Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 50 on February 20, 2025.
- “DUAL as a core concept and the pronounceability of alternatives” with Paloma Jeretič, Itai Bassi, Kazuko Yatsushiro and Uli Sauerland, published in the Proceedings of the 24th Amsterdam Colloquium. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14515420
- “Core Concepts and Indirect Alternatives: On the Anti-Duality of Quantifiers” with Paloma Jeretič, Itai Bassi, Kazuko Yatsushiro and Uli Sauerland, presented at Amsterdam Colloquium 24 on December 19, 2024.
- “Aspectual shift in Romance: an experimental investigation” with Anamaria Fălăuş and Gennaro Chierchia, presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 29 on September 17, 2024.